hello everyone! i hope all my lovely readers (old and new) are having a wonderful holiday season. if you follow my blog (which btw thank you) you know that i've been gone for quite some time. the reason being of course is that university started up again and i was back in school on that nerd grind..(insert witty joke here), but now i'm home for the greater part of the month of january which is both a blessing and a curse, i mean i love being home but we all know how that can get boring quite fast. if you do follow the blog you may have noticed that its been a smidge (OKAY A LOT) revamped! lol i'm super excited that blogger has such fab new layouts, i love the polaroid-esque view (speaking of polaroids i'm thinking of getting one for planning outfits, taking crazy snapshots, etc but more on that in a later post). anyways, i find the new layout to be a bit simpler and just more fun to look through, let me know what you guys think! In other news i just finished up the semester here at college so i'm just waiting on the grades (the WORST part), so far so good on the one's already received but just a tad worried for my statistics class (i love it and hate it all at the same time). Has anyone ever had a professor they just thought was great at everything but teaching? Because thats how i feel about my stats professor, he's an awesome person, knows a ton about the material but just has a hard time teaching it to us :/ Anyways i've got a ton of beauty and skincare related items (sheseido, ysl, amazing cosmetics, nars, rimmel, and the list goes on) to discuss with you guys as well as a couple of other things to share which i should be getting to in posts later this week. i've been thinking a ton about school and my future career choices lately, sort of having little inner conflicts with myself over whether i'm heading in the right direction and just choosing what the best path will be for myself. As of now my major is business related; i love business, it just energizes me to think about it but i've just been a bit conflicted on which route i should go, however theres plenty of time to think about it so no (major) worries. Also as a fashion/beauty loving girl i keep finding myself drawn to the industry, maybe a career in business within fashion? we'll see. One thing i'd like to note for business majors though: you cannot just be in it for the money. Even if the job is all ABOUT money, you have to love the job. Personally I find that theres just something so exhilarating about making deals, finding the best way out of a problem, talking to people, supplying them with what they want, traveling (which i am absolutely crazy about wanting to do in the future), and just doing something you love no matter what. I am seriously that loser that stays up watching CNBC documentaries, keeping up with stocks, etc. I find that people who are in my major that lack the commitment to the actual job and are just in it because they think they'll make a ton of fast money aren't doing well in classes. For any job/field of study that you want to pursue: do it for yourself, do it because you love it, do it well. Thats just my little philosophy on the matter. If your choosing a major based on what your parents, teachers, friends want than you'd just be doing yourself a disservice. Remember that in the end YOU are going to be the one that has to live with it and you deserve to give yourself the best chance at happiness that you can -- so make wise decisions :) (lol sorry for the mini rant guys - i've just seen so many people at university miserably doing a major which they clearly didn't want to do but have stuck with for the joy of appeasing others) Basically what i'm saying is, in the case of what your going to do for (hopefully) the rest of your life: satisfy yourself first. This is one of those times where its totally fine to be selfish.
p.s. work towards your wishes,
there may be some magic just waiting around the corner
photo taken by one of my best friends at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City