Friday, June 3, 2011

take time to reflect.

over the past few days i've been reflecting back on my days at university, the time completely flew by and i feel like theres a lot that went overlooked.  one of the most important and well founded aspect of my college career that i think i should share is the fact that we give ourselves very little "me" time.  i feel like as students we're always obligated to worry about grades, papers, internships, jobs, volunteer work, etc, and spending time on one's self gets thrown to the side.  now that its summer and i've finally gotten some "me" time, albeit, very little, it's given me a chance to appreciate everything i learned this year in college.  here are a few of the best tidbits:

+ okay so as most college students are oft to do: i gained weight, like much more than i would like to admit, and at first i was completely and utterly horrified.  how did i let myself go to this extent? whats wrong with me? all that nonsense.  it took me a few very strained days to realize that it happens. move on.  i certainly wasn't the only one who did, so instead of looking at it in a bad way i look at as something that i can learn from, an experience, i'm content in knowing the weight will drop, but everything i learned certainly wont.  

+ also having to do with the whole self love scenario is the fact that many times i felt down and extremely stressed, my professors were swarming me with work, i wasn't feeling my best and i definitely didn't look it.  so i did what any insane student does, i shopped for a bit, and after being whole heartedly broke for most of the year i realized that i just had to calm down, put down the wallet, step back and love myself.  as the cliche goes: love yourself so you can love others.  its very true.  the more accepting you are of your flaws, which really aren't flaws but characteristics which make you unique and spectacular, the better a person you become.  look towards everything that's fantastic about you: warm personality, graciousness, kindness, killer smile, and so on and know that someone out there loves you as you are because thats what makes you, YOU! (btw wearing cute outfits totally benefits the whole loving yourself  thing, the better you look the better you will feel = guaranteed, folks its just as easy to put on jeans and a nice top as it to slip on your school embossed sweats, the jean's will look much cuter_i promise!)

+ you will make mistakes! hell yes your going to stay up all night before your final paper is due watching youtube videos, damn straight your going to the club on the night of your midterm, and you know why? because you are human. we make mistakes, we learn from them. better now than in the real world.  the best part is that its okay, college is the time to experiment, find yourself, surround yourself with interesting, wonderful people who will support/encourage/party/love you.  besides, you will need a story or two when you have kids of your own, mom/dad were fun once. ;)

+ study and take every opportunity to learn something new that is thrown at you.  you won't regret it, as someone who rarely studied for exams in high school and got high grades (yes i was that kid) i'm letting you know right now, college is a whole other ball game.  YOU NEED TO STUDY or you will fail. simple as that, unless your some super genius or something...but for the rest of us kiddies, good study habits are a must.  i didn't do it as much as i'd have like to this semester but next one i am definitely buckling down, after seeing firsthand how studying can positively affect one's grade.  remember, there's always something sexy about intelligence.

anyways that's just some stuff i wanted to share with my blogesphere, hope it helps!


p.s. spongebob loves nerds too!

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